



How can we make 2018 a year we can be proud of?

The year in itself is just a few hundred days, but how we show up for them, is what will give them their color and tone.  How we live them will make this 2018 either the year when the world became a bit sweeter more enlightened place or a bitter and darker place.

New Year Resolutions, of the usual kind, a list of statements that answer to what am I going to do? what am I going to get?…  are just a bunch of wishful statements and proclamations that almost never come alive.  And why is that?  Because most of them are formulated from our tiny ego mind and they respond to the needs of the ego, they are all about me, me, me and my needs to finally be happy.  They tend to satisfy our psychological mask and not who we truly indeed are at the core of our being. 

We just celebrated Christmas, although most of us have no idea of what we truly celebrated.  We did not celebrate the birth of a baby about 2000 years ago.  We celebrated the birth of Christ in us.  We celebrated that we allowed ourselves to open up to our immense capacity, our divine essence, our connection to the Source of all there is.   

Christmas is actually a recognition of who we truly are, an actualization of all we are.  Jesus said:  “you and I are the same.”  The difference between Jesus and us is that we don’t accept that we are inherently divine and that we have the same immense power that he had.  Jesus knew who he truly was, “I and my father are one.”  He had actualized his true self in the power of love, he lived from that place and he healed the sick and resurrected the dead.  We can too… if we only accept we are much more than what our narrow and petty ego mind tells us we are.  

The celebration of New Year, so soon after Christmas, gives us an opportunity to deepen the realization of our newly born Christ consciousness.  And we express it in our Resolutions. 

As I allow myself to become aware of my innate capacity, I do not think of New Year Resolutions in terms of what I need, I want, I deserve, I will get, I will become, I will be.  I do not talk about discovering my potential and the best version of myself sometime in the future. When I accept who I truly am, I know that I have immense inherent capabilities, and I start using them right now, one day at the time.  I do not wait till I am perfect at them, but know that my capacity is here in me now and that it will shine more and more as I practice it starting now. 

Discovering and connecting with our true Self, turn our days joyful, peaceful and complete.  We know that our mission is to be happy, to enjoy life no matter what, not only for ourselves but to pass it along to all who come in contact with us and beyond.  We become responsible for how we live and we do it guided by a deeply felt desire to be of help, of service to others.  We are motivated by a yearning to help make this world a sweeter place to be.  We do not blame anybody or anything for what is not working in our lives.  We instead welcome the awareness of what is our own individual contribution to the betterment of it all.

Our New Year Resolution then becomes an honorable request:

May I actualize the truth about who I really am.

May I become who I really am.

May I know how to show up for 2018

May I be of service to my family, my community, my country, the environment.

May I contribute to making this a more joyful, peaceful, sweeter world.


MY VERY BEST WISHES FOR A HAPPY NEW YEAR!  May you all see the light you are in 2018!



Happiness No Matter What!  The essential seven principles program for a happy you.

Happiness No Matter What!  The essential seven principles program for a happy you.



I would love to hear your comments!  Let's talk and start a dialogue of likeminded light bearers!  Leave your comments here or email me to:  info@monicabelizan.com